Tuesday 22 July 2014


What do you see in yourself, what are your visions for the future. You have to be confident in the fact that with God all things are possible, you have to also believe you deserve to be admitted, it is your right for God sake! Confidence is one great key to getting any thing in life.

Never allow the fear of failure to cloud your mind when you seek admission or when you write UTME or POST UTME examinations. When you fear failure you will certainly fail. Never ever allow doubt to cloud your mind,
Jesus Christ in his teachings said “ONLY BELIEVE
If you have amigos that speak negative, change their way of thinking by telling them that admission is easy and how they deserve to be admitted.
You need to realize that you are a creator, your mind is a very powerful tool, so always speak positive and think positive towards your admission into school
What school would you really like to go to!, take a piece of paper and write in down!!!!, I would even suggest that you get pictures of the school building, get pictures of your desired matriculation  gown and place it somewhere you can see it every day. Print an admission letter addressed in your name and paste it where you can also see every morning. What you see in your mind, will definitely manifest in the physical
You need to picture the conditions you want, and if admission is one of such, then picture it
Remember the words of the master; whatsoever ye ask for when ye pray, believe that ye have received them and ye shall have them!!
Tell yourself! that you are a student of this school, mention the name 
You have to visualize yourself in school, if your mind can see it, then you will get it.
 I don’t care how many times you have looked for admission, put it behind you! and focus on your glorious matriculation. It always starts with your mind.
 Feel the joy, feel the happiness that you would feel when you get admission, don’t ever allow bad feelings to cloud your mind. Always visualize your matriculation and feel good about it.
Always begin with the end in mind. See yourself a graduate
Jesus Christ said “if you ask ANYTHING! In my name I will give it unto thee”

Have faith my friend, have faith 

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