Tuesday, 8 December 2015

FUTMINNA Freshers' Course Registration and Documentation Procedure 2015/2016

Visit https://www.futminna.edu.ng/
1.Click on ‘e-portal Button’
2.Enter your Student ID and Password to login to your personal page
3. Click on Course Registration , a page with course Registration password and the LINK will appear.
4. Click on the link
5. Select New Student Button
6. Login with your JAMB Registration Number and the course registration password shown in 1 above.
7. On the next page that appears, login with your matric number to take your page
8. Click on Course Registration Button to register your courses by ticking them

- First login is with your JAMB Registration Number, while subsequent login is with your Matric Number.
- You can change your password after First Login

After completing the online course registration, the student is required to collect a file each from the Academic Office (Green File), School and Department. A copy of each of the under listed requirements will be inserted into each file and submitted accordingly:

Items Required:
1) Admission Letters:
a.FUT Minna online admission letter (Compulsory)
b.JAMB online admission letter.(If you do not have this document,
2) Birth Certificate/Sworn Declaration of Age.
3) Certificate/Statement of Results (O/L, IJMB, NCE, ND, HND, etc) including Primary school certificate.
4) Indigeneship Certificate.
5) Online receipt of acceptance of admission.
6) Online receipt of payment of School fees
7) Letter of attestation from Parent/Sponsor.
8) Medical Form (Obtainable online)
9) Course registration Form (Obtainable online)
10) Scratch Card of the examination body(ies) of the attached results (only for green file).

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